
Amazon Web Services


To use CloudDat, you will need the following:

  • An Amazon Web Services account
  • An S3 bucket
  • EC2 SSH Keys for the bucket's region
  • A high-speed Internet path to Amazon Web Services
  • A Secure Shell (SSH) client


CloudDat for AWS may be obtained through AWS marketplace as a subscription, or directly from DEI as a perpetual, term, or trial license.

For AWS Marketplace, follow either the CloudFormation or Single AMI instructions.  If you are not proficient with AWS EC2 or Linux, CloudFormation is recommended.  For licenses obtained directly from DEI, follow the Stand Alone instructions.  For use with on non-AWS, S3 compatible environments, see S3 Compatible.

CloudFormation Single AMI Stand Alone S3 Compatible

Perpetual licenses and extended trials of CloudDat are downloaded from the DEI Customer Site and installed on customer provisioned EC2 instances.  This process requires familiarity with Linux and EC2 setup.

  1. Verify that you have all of the requirements listed above.
  2. Choose an S3 account and bucket to access.
    Note which region hosts the bucket.  Buckets in the "Standard" region are "US East (N. Virginia)".
  3. Create an IAM Role
    Use the AWS "Identity & Access Management" console to create or choose an IAM role.  Attach a policy which allows the following S3 access rights to the S3 bucket(s) you will use with the gateway.  This step is done automatically if you choose the Cloud Formation method.
    "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", "s3:PutObject"
  4. Create a Security Group
    To connect to your CloudDat server instance, you will need a security group which allows UDP 8080 (ExpeDat) and TCP 22 (SSH).
  5. Launch a Linux EC2 instance using the IAM Role and Security Group.  Amazon Linux is recommended, but most recent Linux distributions should work.  See the Performance page for instance size recommendations.
  6. Go to the DEI Customer Site and download the most recent expedat-linux64 and clouddat-aws packages.
  7. Use SSH to upload the expedat-linux64 and clouddat-aws packages to your EC2 instance.
  8. Untar the expedat-linux64 and clouddat-aws packages.
  9. Run clouddat-aws/ and follow the instructions.
  10. Run ExpeDat/Server\ Files/ and follow the instructions.
    If you are running a trial, answer 'n' when asked about entering a license code. Answer 'n' when asked about overwriting the file.
  11. Download an ExpeDat package appropriate for your client system from the DEI Customer Site.
  12. Extract the ExpeDat package and run ExpeDat Desktop, movedat, or DropDat.

Next: Client Use >

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