Data Expedition, Inc.


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Software Update

by Data Expedition, Inc. |  Announcements Sep 16, 2022

ExpeDat 1.20C, SyncDat 1.7C, MTP-Tunnel 1.1V, MTP-SDK 4.4.2

New software is available, with new security and authentication features.

  • Windows Authenticode
    Windows executables are now signed, allowing for easier deployment.
  • DropDat Automation
    DropDat droplets can now be created from the command-line, allowing for automation.
  • Server Efficiency
    Greatly improved Linux directory scanning, new diagnostics to detect authentication performance problems, new controls for SysAuth caching and user concurrency, and a fix for a potential denial of service.

See the ExpeDat Change Log, SyncDat Change Log, or the ChangeLog.txt file in each software package for more details.

Customers with active support contracts can download updates from our Customer Portal and everyone can try our end-user products by downloading a free trial.