Data Expedition, Inc.


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Covid-19: The impacts of social distancing on data transport

by Seth Noble |  Blog Mar 16, 2020

As Covid-19 and social distancing become a part of daily life, every business must consider how these new ways of working will impact their IT operations.

Telecommuting is obviously increasing demand for remote access technology and the infrastructure that supports it.  But these shifting work patterns are also changing project priorities.  Work that requires a physical presence is being delayed while work that can be done remotely is rising in priority.  That means more data moving to more places across more paths.  At the same time, IT supply chain disruptions and physical access limitations are adding to the difficulties of deploying and maintaining new infrastructure.

As a result, bulk data movement is increasing and shifting just as the ability of businesses to adapt is being curtailed.  The only way to resolve such a conflict is by improving efficiency.  IT organizations must maximize utilization of existing network and storage infrastructure on a short time scale with an uncertain duration.  That requires ad hoc solutions that can be quickly deployed with minimal human setup and maintenance.

In short, the speed and efficiency of data transfer and the mechanisms that support it are crucial to adapting to these rapidly evolving IT demands.

DEI's software represents one piece of this puzzle.  The unique ability of ExpeDat and CloudDat to deploy in minutes gives IT departments the flexibility to adapt, and keep adapting.  Free trials, and free client distribution, allow for greater deployment flexibility.  We are also now providing expedited support for customers migrating server licenses to new locations.

There are many other factors to think about as well: network bottlenecks, storage performance, cloud infrastructure costs and configurations, and more.  As always, we are here to provide guidance in addition to software.  If you have a data transport workflow that is suddenly being called upon to do more with less, we can help.