
This chapter contains setp-by-step instructions for installing the ExpeDat server and client applications.  In most cases, the server can be installed by simply running an installation script as an administrator, and clients by just downloading the executable.

Server Setup

In a typical installation, the servedat server is installed as a system service/daemon on the server host.  This requires administrative privileges on the server system.  Alternatively, servedat may be run from an unprivileged command shell for testing or embedding.  See the Install Windows, Install macOS, or Install Others sections for platform specific instructions.

Most users install the server by simply running the Install Servedat script, without making any modification to the default configuration.  Read the rest of this Setup chapter for important information about preparing your server environment and read the servedat chapter for important usage details.

For Windows systems sharing domain authentication across multiple machines, it is best to avoid installing server software while logged into a domain account.  Instead, log into a local Administrator account and use "Run as administrator" to run the server installation script.

Client Setup

Client executables can be copied to client hosts and run with standard user privileges.  Most client executables are completely self-contained.  No installation is necessary, simply copy the executable to the system and run it.  Only WebDat requires installation and a web interface.

For the movedat command-line client, you may wish to copy the executable into a system path to make it available for all users.  System-wide installation of movedat usually requires administrative privileges and can be done using the "Install movedat" script.

The ExpeDat Mobile for iOS client is acquired through the Apple App Store.

Read the rest of this Setup chapter for important information about setting up your client environment and read the ExpeDat Desktop, movedat, DropDat, WebDat, and ExpeDat Mobile chapters for important information and usage details.


Choosing a Package


Install Windows

Install macOS

Install Others

License Code

Adding Users
