Sending Files

In the main window, enter the server name or address, and, if needed, its port number, a username, and a password.  Clicking  Go  will check the server status and show the contents of the remote folder.  Locate the file you wish to send in the Local Browser on the left side of the main window.  You may select multiple files and folders.  You may also wish to browse the server's files to select the destination folder for your upload.

If a file with the same name as a file you are sending already exists in the Remote Path, it may be overwritten.

When you are ready to begin sending, press the "► Send" button or double click on a selected file in the Local Browser.  Note that if the server is designated "Read-Only" or if you do not have write permission for the selected destination, then you will receive an error.

Once a file has been successfully uploaded, the server will attempt to set the modification date, access rights, ownership, and group id of the uploaded file to match those of the local file.  Whether or not this is successful will depend on the server version, operating systems, and your login access rights.


You can direct another user to upload a file to a specific location by sending them an expedat:// URL for that location with a Send action.  First, navigate to the folder where the upload should go and click the Bookmark button.  Then paste the bookmark into a text editor and add "&a=s" to the end.  For example:


When activated, the URL above will prompt for credentials and a file to upload.  Here is another example, with the credentials included:


The example above will prompt for just the file and then begin uploading.

macOS symbolic links will be marked in the local browser with a small arrow in the lower left corner of the icon.  You may Send a file targeted by a symbolic link by double clicking on the link or selecting the link an clicking Send, just like a regular file.

When Sending folders, the handling of symbolic links depends on whether Streaming Folders is enabled.  See Copying Folders for details.

If a symbolic link exists on the server with the same name as a sent file, the sever will attempt to replace the link with the sent file.

Windows symbolic links are copied as if the target file were in the place of the link.  Windows shortcut files (.lnk) are copied as regular files and their targets are ignored.

Irregular Files

Other irregular files (devices, sockets, pipes, etc.) cannot be sent or targeted as the destination of a Send.  If an irregular file already exists at the destination path, then the upload will fail with an "Object Unavailable" error.  See the Known Issues section for further details.