Installing WebDat

WebDat WebDat is distributed as a WebDat.dmg disk image for macOS and a archive for Windows.  Extract the distribution package and then double-click on "Install WebDat" to install the WebDat agent.

WebDat Installation Alert


The WebDat agent is installed in the user Application Support folder and run as a login Launch Agent.

~/Library/Application Support/DEI/ ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.dataexpedition.WebDat.plist

Once running, you can find status information by looking for the ExpeDat icon in the top right of the menu bar.


The WebDat agent is installed in the user Startup folder and run as a notification item.

%APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\WebDat.exe

Once running, you can find status information by looking for the ExpeDat icon among the notification items of the task bar.