Name Filters

The contents of the local and remote browsers can be searched and limited by providing name matching patterns.  Click the Filter button under a browser to edit the current name filter.

For example, the pattern *.pdf will display only names which end in .pdf or .PDF.  Multiple pattterns can be entered, separated by semicolons.  For example, *.pdf;*.doc;*docx will match PDF and Word files.

Edit Local Filter

Each pattern will be matched against the base name of each file or object in the listing.  Only items matching one of the patterns, plus all folders, will be displayed.  Take care to avoid unintentional spaces, as these will also be used as part of the pattern.  To remove filters, delete all pattern text then click Apply.


The filter text is a semi-colon separated list of glob-like patterns with similar syntax to the Linux fnmatch function.  It works like typical shell globbing, with the following distinctions:

For example, "*.pdf;*.txt;*.doc" will match only files with the extension PDF, TXT, or DOC.

An applied filter will remain in effect as you browse different folders or servers.  It is removed only when you apply an empty filter or when you restart ExpeDat Desktop.